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- Ruggiero, G. M., Caselli, G., & Sassaroli, S. (2018). Laicizzare la relazione terapeutica in psicoterapia cognitivo-comportamentale: la formulazione condivisa del caso [Secularizing the therapeutic relationship in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy: the shared formulation of the case]. Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale, 24, 203-222.
- Sassaroli, S., Caselli, G., Mansueto, G., Palmieri, S., Pepe, A., Veronese, G., & Ruggiero, G. M. (2021). Validating the Diathesis–Stress Model Based Case Conceptualization Procedure in Cognitive Behavioral Therapies: The LIBET (Life Themes and Semi-Adaptive Plans—Implications of Biased Beliefs, Elicitation and Treatment) Procedure. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 1-39.
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